RONNIE STINSON 20, 6 f 175 lbs of Regina Saskatchewan, where he worked as an Oil Rigger, and also drove a packing house truck. Hollywood agents feel he has an excellent carreer ahead in movies. AMG's YQ13 pp 41-43 30c.

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JAMES BURCHILL 5'10" 150 lbs.

18 years. Has done dramatics, radio, dancing, and hopes to become an interpretive dancer. Active in baseball and basketball. AMG offers 10c catalog. In left picture, he is wearing Vince two inch trunks $3.50 from AMG. 834 w 11th St LA 6, Cal. Page 27.

ROBERT VERHEY 19 5'6 1/2 163. Has done a little weight training, but most of his fine physical structure was gained from heavy farm work in Minnesota. He would like to go into amateur racing, but currently lacks the funds for this expensive hobby. Quiet, and softspoken, Bob is a pleasant easy-going fellow that everyone likes. AMG's YQ13 pp 37-40 40 cents.